This is a 9 month picture with cousin Bronwyn. I was just reading over some old posts from when Roxy was a baby and I started regretting not posting more updates on Everett because I really enjoyed reading Roxy's old ones. So I will give one now. Not a day goes by that I am not amazed by how different Roxy and Everett are. Everett has been such an "easy" baby. As I write this, he is sitting on floor playing with toys all by himself and has been doing so for a while (I am still giving him attention so don't condemn me), but that is something Roxy never did because she always needed our attention.
Everett will be 10 months tomorrow. He has six teeth and weighs almost 20 lbs. He has been army crawling for a few weeks, but doesn't crawl on all fours. He is quite fast. He's been pulling himself up to stand for a couple of weeks. He still can't eat non-blended-up foods. That's all I can think of developmentally. He is on his third round of antibiotics for ear infections right now.
Everett loves Roxy. If the four of us are together his eyes are usually on her. Of course, that could be because she is the one usually moving around and making loud noises, but I think it's because he likes her so much. Roxy is great with him, mostly gentle, and eager to help.