After getting pregnant and graduating from school the idea of moving near family started to appeal to us. We ultimately decided to move to St Louis where Trish's parents and eldest sister, Jen, live. Jen is married to Jason and they are expecting twins due June 3rd. Sheila, Trish's other sister lives about 3.5 hrs away with husband Joe and Michael, Roxy's four-day-younger cousin. Sheila is, I mean was, due yesterday so we'll have another niece here any day now.
We weren't sure of timing, but I was able to transfer with Graybar so we moved sooner instead of later. We couldn't sell our condo in time so we are renting it out (that was a stressful, time-consuming process). So Trish and Roxy flew Dec 4th and I drove with my friend Don Weber (who married us and lives in St Louis) and arrived Dec 9th.
We stayed with Jen and Jason for a couple weeks and now we are renting a 2Br/2Ba apt in the same neighborhood . Tomorrow Trish is working her last of seven shifts as a barista at Starbucks. She is due Feb 3rd.
We loved Seattle and miss our friends, but we are hopeful for this next season.
So those are the highlights. Give me a call or email me if you want the details.