In celebration of her eighth month of life Roxy showed us that she can pull herself up to a standing position in her crib. In rereading that sentence, I think "wow, I get excited over the smallest things." At least I wonder if that seems insignificant to most. I think it's the coolest.
The biggest month-in-review news is that Roxy is crawling. It's a whole new world! I was amazed today at her speed. In other news, two more teeth have come through on the top. She likes to yell (sounds like a short high-pitched grunt). It's quite cute. I like to "yell" back. What else? She loves to play with cords/strings. She usually doesn't like to be in her Pack 'N Play. I think she thinks it is prison, but probably just because it means we're not going to be giving her attention. She loves to have our attention.
She is starting to recognize "NO" or at least the tone. Sometimes she wells up with tears though, prefaced with a quiver of the lip. It's so sad, but so cute it makes us laugh. I think she may take after me in the sensitivity category. My Mom (hi, mom) always tells me she only had to raise her voice at me in order to discipline me because I would immediately cry (no spanking for me). Clear evidence our genetics play in to our personality?
Probably the best news, at least for me and Trish, is that Roxy has consistently slept through the night for the last couple of weeks. She usually sleeps 10 pm to 9 am. Its glorious.
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