Riding with cousin JonathanI am back from Florida. Mission accomplished! When I say mission, I am insinuating there was a lot of work involved, it was no vacation. Besides a few times, any time I was away from Roxy, I was working on a school paper. So a lot of driving around in my bright blue PT Cruiser rental car to visit with people. I still didn't get to see everybody I wanted, sorry. I do always put a lot of pressure on myself to make sure I see everyone and that no one gets there feelings hurt because I didn't see them or spend enough time with them. I'm trying to get over that, but it does make me feel a little guilt, a little sadness. So all I did was visit with people which I am glad to do and especially glad for my family and friends to be around Roxy. It was well worth the trip just to be in the presence of my family and friends.
Overall Roxy did well on the flights, but it was a tiresome experience for me to keep her happy. I drove with my mom and Roxy to Atlanta to see Drew and then to North Carolina to see my mom's parents for a couple days. They have a home in the mountains on a golf course. It is so peaceful and beautiful. I wish all my family lived there instead. I had forgotten just how hot it is in Florida. I would be outside in the shade and still sweat.
Upon arrival home in Seattle at 11 p.m., I had to do a 10 page paper due the next day. So after constant work on it with four hours sleep one night and two the next, I turned it in... late. Now though, I have a five week break from school.
Hangin' with Great Great Grandmother