A wonderful bonus to our new home is that right across the street there are tons of wild blackberries. We've made blackberry cobbler, blackberry crisp, blackberry pancakes, blackberry syrup... oh yea! Sometimes I take Roxy out there for a fresh snack.
I have fond memories of picking blackberries on my dad's property back in the days so it is quite nostalgic for me now. My best friend Nathan and I used to make a pouch with the front of our shirt and put them in there. On this side of the country, the blackberries seem more like vines than the bushes we had in FL.

paul dinkins:
i too have fond childhood memories of picking blackberries when we lived out in fellowship west of ocala. one time jodi fell into the thorny bushes and instead of helping her out i carefully picked up each of her fallen berries.
great pictures from the mts!
Wow, another Paul and Trish!
Haven't been blackberrying for a few years now. Guess we will have to wait until next year now...Brought back some good memories. Thanks!
Paul and Trish
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