A couple weeks ago I went to the first ever
Seattle Missionfest. It was my first mission conference. I didn't attend all of it, but went to a few seminars on business as mission. I thoroughly enjoyed the exhibitors tent. It was an emotional high being around all of these people, ideas, and organizations dedicated to missions. I talked at length with a women who runs the YWAM North Korea Study School here in Washington. It is thrilling to see what God is doing through all these people.
Another highlight was talking with Steve Saint. He was one of the plenary speakers. He is quite famous in the missionary world. His father was a martyr in Ecuador. It is probably the most "famous" martyr story of modern times because of the eventual evangelical success with the targeted tribe. A movie,
End of the Spear, was recently out about it. Anyway, I went to church and school with the family so I know them from back in Florida. So it was interesting seeing him after probably thirteen years on the other side of the country.