Trish's oldest sister Jen and her husband Jason visited us over the Thanksgiving weekend. We were very thankful they came to spend the holiday with us. We really enjoyed their company and the chance to show them around Seattle. They seemed to love it. We tried talking them into moving here. They were tempted.

Of note, we saw the Bodies Exhibit which is a fascinating look at the anatomy of preserved human bodies. We also saw the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit. No pictures allowed at either place though. We ate our Thanksgiving meal at the Clark's home. Besides that, we mainly did the free sightseeing stuff.

I love that photo on top with the random guy waving to the camera from the background!
hey paul its brittany...tell your wife to call me back or email me at bwilliams314@gmail.com......roxy gets cuter and cuter everytime I see her.
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