Thursday, September 23, 2004

154 bpm

We had a good doctor visit today. Trish is 17 weeks and still feeling well. The nurse "clocked" the heartbeat at 154 bpm as we got to listen to it through the doppler. We were able to hear he/she kick the doppler a few times. As the wives' tale goes (according to the nurse), we should be having a boy because the heartbeat was on the lower end of the scale. However, according to the ring on the necklace test, we should be having a girl. We should get to find out for sure on October 21st when we have our first ultrasound. I can't wait, literally... we have unsuccessfully tried a few times to get an ultrasound off-base.

Trish has gained a few of pounds, but it's hard to tell if she is showing yet so I guess she really isn't. She hasn't started wearing her lovely (sarcasm) maternity uniform yet.

1 comment:

Omni said...

What an exciting time for you!! I hope your baby will be healthy and happy!! :-)