Today we got stuck in the mud. We ventured off the beaten path to explore our near-by lake. On our way back from our short exploration, we happened upon a Japanese guy who got his car stuck in a 30 foot, knee-deep puddle. I tried to go around him so that I could get on the dry side of him to pull him out with my Land Cruiser, however I myself got stuck in the swampy edge. After our arduous bout with broken English and futile efforts, the lone Japanese man hurried off and about 45 minutes later returned with his Toyota 4-Runner. He then pulled his car out and next mine. After our episode of wading in the mushy puddle; lodging rocks and logs under the tires; and getting mud splattered on us, the Japanese man insisted on us following him, and he took us 15 minutes away to pay for our car wash and a fill-up. Then after many deep bows, he sped off.