Friday, October 08, 2004

Saturday Night HH

Tonight I led my first Bible Study at the Hospitality House since the Weber's left. We talked about confronting people, namely Christians. I have struggled with just what to do when I see my brethren living in sin. My natural reaction is to distance myself from them or ignore the problem, but that doesn't do anybody any good. By not saying something, we are in a sense condoning their actions. Also, sometimes we might feel like we are better than the person, however, we need to realize that we all sin. We need to identify with them in their struggles, realize that we are part of the same body, and confront them in humility and with compassion.


David McLaughlin said...

I totally agree, I find that yelling at the top of your lungs "YOUR GOING TO HELL YOU FILTHY HEATHEN" really seems to cure the evilness of most wannabechristians I've come across.

Anonymous said...

Somehow, I don't think that will help...