I got an email from my grandmother today and she wrote, "Please try to live closer to family----You would never regret it!!!!!" Most of my family echoes this sentiment and I understand why. Here is how I resonded:
We are planning on moving to Seattle and will probably be there three years so at least we will be closer to home than we are now. I am open to whatever so we'll see what happens after that.
I miss being more a part of my family's life. However, we are able to keep our relationship alive through emails, prayer, web sites, thoughts, memories, talking, and visits home. I know that if I don't do missionary work overseas, that I would regret it. Of course, I could do short-term trips.
I want to reach lost and hurting people. Now I know you will say there are lost and hurting people in Florida. However, there aren't people being imprisoned, tortured, and killed for their faith. There are over two billion people who have never even hear of Jesus Christ. I want to reach these people. People who have to flee their homes because of persecution or starvation. People without hope or opportunity. In the States, there are a myriad of opportunities for people to hear the gospel. In my opinion, there aren't enough people who are willing to go and sacrifice for these people overseas. I am, and I hope that you are willing to sacrifice with me so these people can be reached and transformed by God's love. I want to affect eternity for multitudes. I think I can do that most effectively overseas.
My theology, attitudes, and beliefs are always changing so you never know what I will think three years from now. So if you think that I am wrong, keep the hope alive, I may change.