Friday, September 09, 2005

6 month update

6 month update
Originally uploaded by Dinkins - Made in Japan.
So we took her to a clinic near here for her check-up. She is doing well and is 19 lb 2 oz (95 percentile) and 28.25 inches (99 percentile) so we have a big girl who is out-growing her myriad of clothes fast. She also bravely endured five shots, one of which was a tetanus shot. OUCH! So now she has an excuse to be crabby. In other reflections, she is sitting up pretty well, but still has to be watched. She still needs a lot of attention and so now we are moving into having to just let her cry sometimes as to not spoil her. It is hard for my sensitive heart.

1 comment:

Curtis Sutton said...

I know you probably get comments from people all the time about how adorable she is, but damn, it's so true. And I can't decide who she looks like more...Paul or Trish.