We just got back from Vancouver, Canada where we celebrated Canada Day with some friends. We visited the big festivities at the convention center and stayed over night. Honestly, it wasn't a worthwhile trip. Although, we had an excellent authentic Chinese lunch. Crossing the border took about an hour each way. Trish lost her purse. Roxy had a lot of crabby spells and didn't sleep well. We wished we would have stayed home and relaxed because we are just finishing up a busy spell.

Friday night needs a mention. We celebrated a friend's, Mark Closson, birthday with surprise at Alki Beach. A beautiful spot across the water from downtown. Mark and his wife Mary have become a good friends. For those who know the magnitude, Mark was my Practicum II partner.
Last week I finished up with classes for the summer. Three more papers to do this month though.
Roxy is still developing so quickly (in my eyes). She seems so smart sometimes. She does about 25 signs now (including poop). She is fun to just watch sometimes. Like last night she was spinning around in her pac-n-play while flailing her arms and babbling loudly. She likes talking on the phone, loves bath time, and LOVES shoes.
Okay, for the big news... Trish got a job at Starbucks Corporate! She is going to be an Admin Assistant for the VP in charge of the benefits. Starbucks is a great company to work for and has lots of perks: lb of coffee a week, 30% store discount, 15% discount on stock, and free drinks while at work.

It was fun hangin with you guys across the border. We'll have to do it again sometime when the kiddos are up to it. Trish - you lost your purse?!
So, what, exactly, is the sign for "poop"?
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