Monday, July 17, 2006


So we decided to buy a condo. We can get our payment to be as much as rent would probably be so why not invest! So our first attempt: condo on market two days - we offer asking price with seller paying closing cost - we don't get accepted because someone else offered $10,000 over asking, paid cash, and did not require an inspection. The second one we wanted didn't work out either, but I'll spare the details. And, as of this moment we are waiting to hear back on an offer for a condo in Queen Anne (a neighborhood directly north of downtown Seattle). I'll tell you all about it if we get it. It's been on the market a whole week so hopefully we have a better chance.

In a related story...

This morning I took Roxy to daycare at 9 a.m. At about 10:30 I searched the whole house for a folder that had a bunch of house buying paperwork. Well, I finally realized I probably left it on top of the minivan last night. Sure enough, I get to the five-lane road in front of our complex and see a few pages. Forty-five minutes later after walking about a three block radius, an intersecting street, and both sides of the busy streets, I recovered individually 30 of 32 pages. Not exactly an enjoyable experience!

So I am leaving tomorrow for Florida with Roxy for twelve days. Trish can't go since she has a new job. I'll post all about it when I can. Of note, I am going to Andrew Peterka's "marriage celebration" in Atlanta. He got married June 8th and since it was a small wedding they are having this celebration for others to "celebrate."


photomark2006 said...

great posts lately. have fun down in florida.

photomark2006 said...

do you realize someone has looked at your blog 8107 times? that's incredible. i'm still in the 300's.

nicolesy said...

Good luck on your house-buying venture. Ace and I went through that a year ago, with everyone offering $10-$30k over asking price, but it seemed to work out perfectly in the end and we got one right at our budget.

I had no idea that Andrew got married! Wow, how cool :)