Monday, November 22, 2004

Who are you?

Have you ever noticed that the people you feel closest to or connect with are those who open up and make themselves vulnerable to you? Well, I have. Maybe it is simple psychology. I don't know much about that subject, although it intrigues me. Anyway, I have noticed this phenomenon among my friends and family. It is so refreshing when someone is real, an open book, sharing their shortcomings and weaknesses, and giving insight in to their strengths. I believe much growth, relationally and individually, can come from this type of sharing. On the otherhand, it is a stifiling downer when someone you feel you should be close to because of whatever circumstance is closed, simply cordial, and only let's you see their surface.

I think the distance is usually the fault of both parties because once one person opens up, the other usually reciprocates. So I encourage whoever may be reading this to open up to people, and in the same way, open up to God about your thoughts and feelings about life and about Him.

Over the past couple of years it has been very refreshing to experience this phenomenon with my mom as we open up to one another. It has given me much enrichment and insight into my life and hers. Open up and experience the difference.

1 comment:

ME said...

Boy do I know what you mean by this...