Monday, January 31, 2005
The bag is packed
We had a doctor's visit today, nothing new, but we scheduled an appointment for the anesthesia briefing. Trish hasn't decided yet on what kind she wants, but she has to sign some paperwork in case she does want an epidural. That doesn't sound comfortable!
Sunday, January 30, 2005

So now I know what a blizzard is like. On our way home Sunday night from the HH, we encountered one while driving Trish's hatch-back. We had to go about 12 MPH as the 45 knot snow blew horizontal to the ground. If it wasn't for the reflective stakes they put on the sides of the road in the winter, we< wouldn't have been able to tell where the road went. Actually we went off the road around a curve at one point. Scary fun!
The picture is from the next day when we got to go to work two hours late because of the snow.
Friday, January 28, 2005
Tribute to Curtis (part 2) by Trish
I was on my way home from the bowling alley after leaving our Departmant's Hail and Farewell around 1630. What happens everyday at 1630? Yes, that is correct, Japan and the USA's national anthems are played and everyone stops out of respect. So there I am, sitting in my car on the road in between the gym and soccer field which put the flightline in my direct line of sight, listening to our National Anthem. Sometimes I think back to when we go to the movie theater on base when the National Anthem is played and they have the clip of all the various planes flying by during the end of the song in order to stir up some feelings of national pride in us all, and there it was, The Freedom Bird in all her glory passing directly in front of my car with Curtis Sutton onboard. I just sat there and laughed and said my final goodbye to Curtis, even though he couldn't hear me. If I had a video camera it would have been priceless. What a way to go Curtis!
Thursday, January 27, 2005
Tribute to Curtis

One of our best friends is leaving Misawa tomorrow, Curtis W. Sutton. I've said it before and I'll say it again, one of the hardest things about military life is having to say goodbye so often to those you care about.
Curtis, affectionately known as Currt-Dawg, has been in Misawa for 4 and a half years and has left quite an impression. As for me, he has shown me what it means to be a friend and has truly been "a friend [who] loves at all times." Proverbs 17:17 has so much significance in our relationship and his life. For one, it represents his creativity in which he coined PQ2, a code for Proverbs 17:17. PQ2 was a time at his house to fellowship and strengthen relationships. Curtis welcomed people at his house so many times and at any hour. He excels and thrives at building relationships and in my opinion, relationships are what our world revolves around. He has a way of making everyone feel accepted and special.
Curtis is the most accepting person I have ever met. I have told Curtis things that I've never told anyone except Trish because he is a great listener, always understanding, and never condemning. He is open in his communication and always open minded. He thinks the best about others, does not pass judgment, finds good in people, and loves everyone. This makes Curtis someone everyone loves to be around. He has so many friends who adore him and his charismatic ways. Plain and simple, he is COOL! He is a trend setter (first blogger I knew), fashionable, knowledgeable about many areas, and a connoisseur of many things.
I will miss our times at the Onsen (hot springs); snowboarding trips and other travels; watching movies at his hip, cozy house; lunches at the E-club; and conversations about anything and everything.
Life in Misawa will never be the same. Curtis we love you.
Monday, January 24, 2005
I Passed
Friday, January 21, 2005
Part II: Hee Hee Whoo
Thursday, January 20, 2005
How is that possible? Part I
Monday, January 17, 2005
I am studying for the Principles of Accounting CLEP test that if I pass, will complete my BS in Business Administration. I am also studying a test-prep for the Miller Analogies Test (MAT) that I need to take for my application to Mars Hill Graduate School. I am going to take these two tests in Tokyo on Saturday because that is the only place in Japan I can take them. I am taking an overnight shuttle bus on Friday (8-10 hour drive), taking the tests, and then taking the bus back on Sunday morning. I have also been putting together my application for MHGS which requires two thoughtful essays.
Also consuming my toughts is what to do in the near future. We have been trying to work it so that we can go to Korea for a one-year tour so we have been back and forth with those that can make that happen. If that doesn't happen and we can get out of the Navy, it looks like we will head to Seattle this summer.
On top of all that and most importantly, I have been preping for a baby, making sure we have everything we need, reading up on birth, and just mentally preparing for the inevitablly joyous,life-changing experience of being a father.
I have moments of feeling stressed out, but overall I am feeling happy and enjoying the challenge. Plus, I still had time to go snowbaording on Saturday.
Sunday, January 16, 2005
Coed Baby Shower

Today we had a wonderful baby shower. Thank you so much to Jeni, Kerry, and JB for hosting it and Curtis and Caleb for helping set up. We enjoyed it so much. We received wonderful presents, ate good food, and had fun playing all of the games. I especially liked guessing the kind of baby food. I can't believe they have Macaroni & Cheese!
Saturday, January 15, 2005

Another snowboarding trip. I haven't been much this season because I don't want to leave Trish since she can't go. However, she hosted a bridal shower yesterday so I took the grand opportunity. We are in a three week Korean refresher here in Misawa and I took our 60ish year old teacher with us. She didn't board, but they have a "hot spring" there so she was able to enjoy that. She was one of my teachers in Monterey. It has been fun reminiscing and I really like her. She is the typical grandma type.