Friday, January 28, 2005

Tribute to Curtis (part 2) by Trish

On Friday when we left the AMC terminal I knew I was seeing Curtis for the last time for at least a little while. No dramatic goodbyes were heard just a hug and a "see you later" because in our hearts we knew we really would see him later. But I guess God decided that Curtis needed a more dramatic exit, even if it was only for me to see. And here's my story...

I was on my way home from the bowling alley after leaving our Departmant's Hail and Farewell around 1630. What happens everyday at 1630? Yes, that is correct, Japan and the USA's national anthems are played and everyone stops out of respect. So there I am, sitting in my car on the road in between the gym and soccer field which put the flightline in my direct line of sight, listening to our National Anthem. Sometimes I think back to when we go to the movie theater on base when the National Anthem is played and they have the clip of all the various planes flying by during the end of the song in order to stir up some feelings of national pride in us all, and there it was, The Freedom Bird in all her glory passing directly in front of my car with Curtis Sutton onboard. I just sat there and laughed and said my final goodbye to Curtis, even though he couldn't hear me. If I had a video camera it would have been priceless. What a way to go Curtis!


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