Thursday, February 17, 2005

Statement of Pupose

For my application to graduate school, I had to write two essays. I am posting one of them here because it helps explain why I chose to apply to MHGS. It is a long 581 words so I don't expect everyone to want to read it, but here it is for those that do...

Essay 1: Statement of Purpose

As I explored the option of attending a seminary, I wondered whether it would be possible to find one that would fit my desires and goals. I knew I did not want an education steeped in denominational doctrine and would only yield a head full of knowledge. I want a school where I can be transformed and equipped to effectively reach a hurting, dying world with the gospel. I believe Mars Hill Graduate School (MHGS) is that place for me.

MHGS seems to be on the cutting edge of something I see God doing in many of His people: taking them from religion to relationship. Many Christians and non-believers in this age seem to be discontent with the religiosity of their faith. These people need to be shown the beauty of a life in relationship with Jesus and a believing community. MHGS seems to be equipping Christians to do just that by contextualizing the Scriptures and engaging, with relevance, the heart of people in the culture in which they are involved.

Through my education at MHGS, I hope to learn more about my own heart. I want my prejudices, wrong attitudes and motives, and misconceptions to be revealed to me so that I may continue the process of getting in line with the Scriptures and Jesus’ Spirit. I want to become conscious of my true desires, strengths, weaknesses, gifts, and callings so that I can live out an authentic life.

As my heart is transformed, I realize my views of God will change. I hope that as they do, I will simply learn more about Him and gain a deeper understanding of His desires for us. I expect my views of others to change as well. I want to learn how to correctly read other’s stories so that I can know their hurts and joys and help them in their relationship with God. I want to learn how to better engage my culture and especially people of other cultures.

I believe my first engagement with a foreign culture helped shape who I am. When I was sixteen, I went on a mission trip with my church youth group to central Mexico. I loved every moment as my eyes were opened to a world unlike any I had never known. We would travel to a village and go door to door to invite people to our play. The play was a mime of a creative version of the gospel accompanied by a Spanish and musical recording. The defining moment came for me when it was my turn to give the altar call at the end. As I spoke and looked out at the people gathered outside this hospital, I felt so alive as I experienced God’s compassion for these people. I did not want to leave that site until our group had spoken to every last person.

I wish every Christian, especially those enjoying the riches of this life, would take a trip outside of their culture and engage a hurting, poverty-stricken culture. I believe their lives will never be the same. You can read about places like Haiti, the poorest country in the Western hemisphere, but until you go there for yourself, you cannot truly know their heartache and suffering.

Through my experience with MHGS, I hope to continue to grow in my passion for God and for people and more clearly understand how to channel that passion into effectively reaching a lost and hurting world.


David McLaughlin said...

Hey Paul, what a privilage man. Thanks for posting that essay. Your desires for this world are beautiful. I hope you accomplish it all. And I hope I get the opportunity also.

David McLaughlin said...

Hey Paul, what a privilage man. Thanks for posting that essay. Your desires for this world are beautiful. I hope you accomplish it all. And I hope I get the opportunity also.