I am really looking forward to my classes this trimester: Marriage & Family (which Trish will be attending with me), Counseling Practicum II (anxious but excited about this one, I have to actually do peer reviewed counseling), Theological Mosaic II (the topics strike my interest more than last semester), Essential Community (basically engaging a diversity of people and forming authentic community), and Mission in Global Context (my heart's desire).

This black and white one was taken by our good friend Meredith Dancause.
I feel your pain I was up last night 'till about 3am completing some thing for the ministries annual meeting. Of course, the whole time I was consuming copious amounts of caffeine. School sounds very interesting I can't wait to hear more about it. I am especially interested in hearing about there thoughts and views on world missions. peace homie
She's definitely a little Trish. Did you watch "tip of the spear"? It's about missionaries in the rainforests going to tribs that kill everyone. I thought of you during it.
you guys - great page. your daughter is really growing and cute..
Paul, get some sleep.
Trish, delayed reaction but yoga is working a treat.
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