Saturday, January 28, 2006


I think I need to make the intuitive decision not to drink coffee in the evening. Well, I'm up so I thought I'd post instead of lay in bed. Just a thought and then a couple of good pictures.

I am really looking forward to my classes this trimester: Marriage & Family (which Trish will be attending with me), Counseling Practicum II (anxious but excited about this one, I have to actually do peer reviewed counseling), Theological Mosaic II (the topics strike my interest more than last semester), Essential Community (basically engaging a diversity of people and forming authentic community), and Mission in Global Context (my heart's desire).

This black and white one was taken by our good friend Meredith Dancause.


Marc David said...

I feel your pain I was up last night 'till about 3am completing some thing for the ministries annual meeting. Of course, the whole time I was consuming copious amounts of caffeine. School sounds very interesting I can't wait to hear more about it. I am especially interested in hearing about there thoughts and views on world missions. peace homie

David McLaughlin said...

She's definitely a little Trish. Did you watch "tip of the spear"? It's about missionaries in the rainforests going to tribs that kill everyone. I thought of you during it.

Anonymous said...

you guys - great page. your daughter is really growing and cute..

Paul, get some sleep.

Trish, delayed reaction but yoga is working a treat.