Sunday, March 05, 2006

Day in the Park

A front passed by, as you can see from our balcony, and left some lovely weather for us. On Saturday we took advantage of this and took a family trip to the park. Not that exciting but some good pictures.

So Roxy does not like the swing!

She hasn't walked on her own again since the first time nine days ago.

This is classic Roxy as of late. Always reaching out and make a "ahhhooouuu" sound like she is amazed.


Marc David said...

ok i posted so check it out I may even get frisky and post another tonight cause Crosby is in town. anyhoo, how about a picture of the wife that I can actually see. she is always bent over or hiding somewhere. peace homie

Trish said...

dude, there is pics of wife. if you click on one of the pics, it takes you to flickr which has a bunch.

Curtis Sutton said...

In Roxy's defense, the swing doesn't exactly look very comfortable. I'd probably be a little upset, too.

Marc David said...

Ok, I have been flickred, my bad My Royal Urbaness.