Thursday night Roxy threw-up (Meredith, how is your bag smelling?). Friday it didn't stop so I took her to the clinic. She has an ear infection that was probably brought on by a cold. In combination or as a byproduct, she has a fever, diarrhea, soar throat, coughing, cold sores, runny nose, was still throwing-up, and popped a blood vessel in her eye. To top that off she has a couple of teeth coming in. We took her to the clinic yesterday and they prescribed suppositories. She hasn't thrown up since and seems to be doing better today. It was so sad this weekend holding our pathetically weak baby. She has been cuddly though for the first time. We like that but it sure isn't not worth it.
I have been there man, all the way. Carter got RSV when was less than a year old and almost died, so needless to say he was ill for a good long while. It is a strange emotion you feel when it comes to caring for your child when they so helpless, kind of a mix between love and pity. These are the moments that make parenthood such a maturing experience. The trick is to never let these moments get by you without you noticing. I miss you man, I hope we can get together soon. Now I get to go hug my kids before they go to bed.
Willow was just sick too... puking and diarrhea and cough and nose too.... yeah, she was cuddly for the first time ever and it was nice but i felt so bad for her... she is finally almost recovered after 2 weeks and now i have it and christopher in DC has it because he visited last weekend... ugh.... the upside is that willow has been giving me hugs now that she is feeling better so maybe she liked the cuddly thing a little bit??? get better soon Roxy!!! poor little one!
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