Personal Mission Statement:My mission is to employ business as a tool to facilitate economic, social, and spiritual well-being for individuals and entire communities. I will use my talents, experiences, and passions to do my part in bringing the kingdom of God to the here in now; specifically, God’s will that no person live in poverty. I will connect with communities stricken by poverty so that together we can harness the potential of business to reduce poverty and to advance of God's kingdom globally.
Reflection:As a white male from the USA, I have a lot of power in the world. I do not say that arrogantly because in actuality I shy away from that power because of the responsibility that accompanies it. In addition, I do not like being identified with my “demographic” that is responsible for much violence and oppression in the world past and present. Regardless, I am what I am and with the born privilege comes power. I can choose to use that power to perpetuate or to change the systems that oppress. I want to change those systems. In particularly, I sense a calling to reduce the oppressive systems of poverty.
Poverty is the source or at least major contributor of many of the world’s problems such as preventable diseases, human trafficking, war, HIV, illiteracy, starvation, and the oppressive list goes on. If the problem of poverty is solved, many of these other problems would be solved or at least lessened as a result. Poverty is a complicated systemic issue that requires many different solutions. The most obvious solution to me and the one I feel equipped to apply is to help grow the economies of poverty stricken communities and nations. Carrying out this solution requires careful handling. Social, environmental, psychological, and spiritual development must accompany the economic growth. I want to work with others, rich and poor, to help figure out how to best grow together in all these aspects.