In another month of life Roxy proves to be quite the handful. She is active as ever, but still not walking. She can stand just fine, but she chooses not to. We have to trick her into standing. She Two days ago she got her first molar. It looks so painful, just think about a molar pushing its way through your gums. Ouch! That's her ninth tooth and first one to come through in a couple months. In other firsts, she projectile vomited. Trish was the recipient of that fine present. Pretty gross, and they didn't manufacture the car seat very well for cleaning. We are still in awe of how she is developing. I predict she will be passionate, talkative, inquisitive, rowdy, pouty [she already throws tantrums (thrashing on the floor, quite funny right now)oh, and I wasn't trying to rhyme], and demanding. She's is going to be fun (I don't mean that sarcastically - in case you got that impression from my prediction).
hey paul, trish & roxy! greetings from korea! 11 months eh? how quickly they grow... thank you for the beautiful pic of her. i hope y'all are well. you are missed. -suj'n
we had a ton of fun with her, come over often roxy
are those full priced pants Roxie is wearing??? I thought so!
Awe...you are so lucky to get such a good one! She's precious:)
mine won't sit down, i really wish we could get ours together since they learned stuff from each other when they used to meet! imagine what they would teach each other now! ohhh, maybe that would be scary! he he.
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