Tuesday, February 07, 2006

No Rain

Seattle had twice as much rainfall as usual in January. I really didn't mind it, but today is the second day of lovely weather and I do prefer that. I took Roxy in the jogging stroller yesterday. It puts her in this zone: no movement, no sound. It's a nice change. Besides that, I've been staying more busy than I'd like with school and taking care of Roxy. I'm getting a lot out of it, but I wish I had more time to hang out with friends, communicate with my geographically distant friends and family, exercise, experience the NW, brush my teeth, etc.


Krista and Christopher said...

i totally understand how getting a shower and brushing your teeth become an entire ordeal! A lot of little things become and ordeal, but i only wish i had some time a few times a week if only for an hour. I usually get it on the weekends in the morning but i then end up just sleeping in.... but yoga and a shower and maybe a trip to the grocery store would be nice.

Marc David said...

Just do what Beth and I did, have another kid.