Saturday, April 01, 2006

Where have we been?

The main reason that I haven’t posted in a while, besides being generally busy, is that we do not have internet at home anymore. We cancelled it in conjunction with our landline - saving money and cutting down on the distraction. I have internet access at school and Trish has it at work. Plus, there are wifi connections here and there. Right now I am at the library working on a research paper.

In regards to my last post, Roxy has recovered well and is back to being as active as ever. This week we started Roxy in daycare,, for one day a week to give her some interaction with more kids and structured “development” and give me some time to get school work done so that I don’t have to stay up so late and can have more time to spend with Trish when she is home instead of doing catching up on what I couldn’t get done during the day watching Roxy. Wow, that was an impressively long, grammatically correct sentence. Or is it not correct? I figured out that I was spending at least forty hours a week giving Roxy undivided attention or taking care of her in some way (laundry, making baby food, etc.). Although fulfilling, it still means I am “working” a full-time job and going to graduate school full-time (I actually take 2 more credit hours than full-time). Needless to say I have some stress in my life. Stress can be good and bad and so it is with me.


Marc David said...

As long as you keep sending me cool articles I am happy. Anyhoo, if you have time read this you might find it interesting.

David McLaughlin said...

Awe Paul, I'm sorry about the stress though. I hope the daycare can relieve some of it:) Looks like things are going okay for you, BTW, that was an impressively long sentance:) Hey, I think my girlfriend can burp longer than you! We'll have to find out at our wedding...jeez, I gotta call you...