This is the very same sheet Roxy barfed on last night (I washed it first). She threw-up four times Friday night. In case you want a play-by-play, once in a friend's (Jocie) pac-n-play, once in the foyer (thanks for cleaning it up Sam and Tucker), and then twice at home on the bathroom counter. She has been acting okay since except for a lack of appetite. Then last night (Monday) she threw-up at 3 am. As you can tell from the above story she is acting okay though.

In other Roxy news, she is signing more. She does flower, thank you, please, water, bath, and ball. She is also combining sometimes, "more please." I think "uh-oh" is the only word she has added to her vocab (my first word). She babbles a lot though like she is saying multiple sentences and expects a response. It is too cute, especially when she sticks her little tongue in and out while she is "talking." I haven't really been around too many babies so all this is very interesting to me. It feels like she is developing so fast and does the smartest baby things. Like she points to her nose when asked and signs milk when I say it in Korean.
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